ScriptControl question

As of late I have gotten a chance to use the ASP.Net AJAX extenders and script controls, and so far am really liking how they work, though it would be nice if adding the .js was a little cleaner then manually adding them to the assembly wether in the AssemblyInfo.cs or the controls cs file.…

Lazy list

I have been following Rob Conery’s posts on the MVC Storefront, and trying the repository/pipes-filters for data access that he has been using. While trying out the implementation of a LazyList he was using, I had noticed that the example table was being joined onto the category table. At the time however, I really had…

Login via Usercontrol View + jQuery

Since administration was the next part I wanted to work on. I decided that for the moment I just want a little login for in the upper corner I decided to put the login screen view logic into a user control, and added the following user control named Login.ascx and placed it into the Shared…

Got my nice Urls working

Its amazing how fast things can be done when not fighting bad assumptions. In this case it was that my admin URLs needed to use the nice descriptive URLs, instead of just /[Controller]/[Action]/[id] type routing. Once I realized I was making things overly complicated I, I ended up with a set of routing functions that…

Initial thoughts on Microsoft MVC

My first thought is, I really wish I could use this at work, but it is working nicely so far for my rewrite of my web site. Writing Classic ASP style again is taking a little getting used to again though, the visual preview from the designers made styling the page a lot nicer. The…

Generic begin/end Html tag extension method

After working on the login usercontrol, I decided that I wanted to add similar functionality to the navigation sections of the site for accounts/roles that didn’t get ads displayed. So I needed a standard way to put dynamic sections into a page. I liked the syntax used by the form HtmlHelper methods, so decided to…

Routing revisited

It turned out to be a lot easier to work around not being able to override the route parsing method then I had thought it would be last night. Though when they allow me to override that method I will be changing over. By setting up the following routes I was able to get almost…

HttpHandlers and directory authentication/HttpModules

I decided to implement  Admin Rss Feeds after a particularly draining Friday. For the most part it went pretty smoothly, and learned something about working with a different team too ;). I Implemented an HttpModule that looked for FormsAuthentication redirects for rss feeds and changed it over to use basic authentication so rss readers could authenticate.…

Subtext Admin Rss Feeds

I just committed the changes to provide 3 administrative rss feeds: Comments Needing Moderation Referrals Errors The change also uses the HttpModule that will convert forms authentication into basic authentication so that the feeds can be viewed in an Rss reader. After seeing I had thought about changing over to use it instead of the…

Blog Alias Recap

Well the blog alias feature is in, and the self spam in my referral section has reduced significantly since I started using it last night. Its also nice not seeing Google and Yahoo spidering my blog on 4 different domains (still don’t know how they got 2 of them). How To Use Blog edit screen…