Getting imports working with dotless and CssBundles

I was watching Single Page Apps with HTML5, Web API, Knockout and jQuery by John Papa on pluralsight and one of the pieces was sending compiled less files down using the bundling. [gist id=3703799] Unfortunately this did not work while using @import because the current directory was set to my IIS Express directory. After searching most suggestions…

Lazy list

I have been following Rob Conery’s posts on the MVC Storefront, and trying the repository/pipes-filters for data access that he has been using. While trying out the implementation of a LazyList he was using, I had noticed that the example table was being joined onto the category table. At the time however, I really had…

Got my nice Urls working

Its amazing how fast things can be done when not fighting bad assumptions. In this case it was that my admin URLs needed to use the nice descriptive URLs, instead of just /[Controller]/[Action]/[id] type routing. Once I realized I was making things overly complicated I, I ended up with a set of routing functions that…